Chabad of Central Florida
Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 5 Elul 5784
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Audio Video Section

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Windows media player Video 21:14 A Deeper Reality 

Windows media player Video 1:06
Moshiach will Enter 770 
26 Kislev 5752 

Windows media player Video 1:15
Ingathering Of The Exile 
24 Adar I 5752 

Windows media player Video 1:15
Yechi HaMelech 
Excerpt of Sicha 2 Nissan, 5748 

Windows media player Video 1:48
Crying out for Moshiach With Sincerity 
21 Tishrei, 5744 

Windows media player Video 1:31
Moshiach - Bringing Salvation and Deliverance 
Excerpt of Sicha Pesach Sheini, 5744 

Windows media player Video 1:39
Moshiach - Soon, Sooner, Immediately 
Excerpt of Sicha Lag Ba'Omer, 5750 

Windows media player Video 1:33
Shavuot and Moshiach 
Excerpt of Sicha 9 Sivan, 5751 

Windows media player Video 5:37
The Greatest Campaign 
Excerpt of Sicha Lag B'Omer, 5745 

Windows media player Video 1:25
Ad Mosai?! Until When?! 
Excerpt of Sicha 24 Nissan, 5747 

Windows media player Video 1:29
The Key to Moshiach 
Excerpt of Sicha 12 Sivan, 5747 

Windows media player Video 1:59
A Midget Upon A Giant 
Excerpt of Sicha 12 Sivan, 5747 

Windows media player Video 1:47
Allowing Hashem No Rest 
Excerpt of Sicha 15 Tamuz, 5742. 

Windows media player Video 1:55
Here Comes Our King 
Excerpt of Sicha 16 Tamuz, 5750 

Windows media player Video
Menachem - Moshiach 

Windows media player Video 1:49
Dancing With The Luchos 
Excerpt of Sicha 13 Mencahme Av, 5751 

Windows media player Video 1:52
Seeing The Redemption 
Excerpt of Sicha 22 Menachem Av, 5749 

Windows media player Video 0:59
Dragging the Redemption into Your Room 
Yechidus, 6 Cheshvan 5752 

Windows media player Video 1:20
Longing for Moshiach 
Excerpt of Sicha 7 Elul, 5750 

Windows media player Video 2:02
Beis Hamikdash 
Excerpt of Sicha 28 Sivan, 5751 

Windows media player Video 1:28
Moshiach in the Newspapers 
Excerpt of Sicha 29 Elul, 5744 

Windows media player Video 1:52
Moshiach Farbrengen With All Rebbeim 
Excerpt of Sicha 9 Tishrei, 5752 

Windows media player Video 1:17
Calling Moshiach Brings Him 
Excerpt of Sicha 19 Tishrei 5750 

Windows media player Video 5:12
David King of Israel Lives and Endures 
Excerpt of Sicha 7 Cheshvan, 5746 


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2001 W. Swann Ave. Tampa, FL 33606 - Rabbi Lazer Rivkin, Regional Director - 813-966-8770

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