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Questions and Answers |
I am relatively new to the area and would like to know if you address issues pertaining to Noahides? Do any Noahides attend services or join in activities with you? Is there a Rabbi who is willing to provide some guidance to Gentile believers? I was deeply moved by Zechariah's (8:23) prophecy and have been fervently looking into this movement for some time.
Posted by:
R. Adam Freedline, Tampa, FL, USA
Miscellaneous |
Where - in Tampa, FL - can I find a Yartzeit candle?
Posted by:
Rachel Swedlow, Tampa, FL, USA
The Sweetbay supermarket at 2100 West Swann Avenue (across the street from us) Sells Yartzeit candles.
Torah |
I wish to purchase a used Torah for our Temple. Where do I start this process? The one we currently have has been repaired several times and is fading and cracking. It is very hard to read at this stage. I do not have funds for a new one but I have to beleive their are good used ones available? Is there also anything I should watch out for when starting this process. I will involve my Rabbi for the final choice if I can find a few that are in my price range...thank you for any help.
Posted by:
Jim Pelk, Lithia, FL, US
Dear Rabbi,
One of the people who had their name changed by GOD was Jacob to Israel, yet even when we davan, we still do not refer to him as Israel, only as Jacob. As well, we refer to our homeland as Israel. Of course Rabbi, my question is why?
Posted by:
Lawrence Martasin, Sun City Center, FL, USA
The name Israel personifies the Jewish people as they will find themselves when the Messianic era will begin and the Galut (exile) will end. The name Jacob represents the Jewish people as they are still in exile and persecuted as we see today.The name Israel (its letters) in Hebrew spells the two words li rosh which means "my head",which the Jewish people will be when Moshiach (Messiah) comes, and all of the nations will know G-d.
Rabbi Lazer Rivkin |